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An Overview of TTL and CMOS ICs and How to Choose Between Them


It was 1958 when Jack Kilby from Texas Instruments, introduced the world’s first Integrated Circuit (IC) Chip to the electronics industry. This invention spread like wild fire since ICs were more reliable, compact and could also save power compared to the conventional circuits used then. Soon this spread like wild fire and every company started fabricating and adapting Integrated circuits which lead to the modern electronics as we know today. There are many fabrication techniques used in IC manufacturing the two most popular types are the晶体管晶体管逻辑(TTL)这是在1963年推出的Complementry Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)which got introduced in 1968. In this article we will discuss about these two technologies and also如何在CMO和TTL IC之间进行选择based on your project design requirement.


CMOS是缩短的形式补充Metal Oxide Semiconductor这是一种用于制造IC的技术,用于各种应用程序。CMO是最常见的MOSFETfabrication type, it uses the complementary and symmetrical pairs of the p-type and n-type Metal Oxide Field effect transistors for performing the logic functions. The combination of PMOS and NMOS transistor being utilized in a single package is shown below.


Various types of Integrated circuits are constructed using theCMOS技术像微处理器一样microcontrollers,内存芯片和其他几个数字逻辑电路。在静态类似物circuits like the data converters, image sensors,和收发器,该技术被广泛使用。CMO都可以传播高和低或0和1的逻辑。

What is TTL?

TTL代表晶体管 - 透射逻辑。It is a logic family made up ofbipolar junction transistors (BJTs)。在这里,函数(逻辑和放大)are performed by the transistors; therefore, it is named as the Transistor-Transistor Logic. An ideal example of TTL logic IC would beLogic Gate ICs像7400 NAND或7402 nor Gate


TTL is the short form of transistor-transistor logic. TTL logic uses多个具有多个发射器和多个输入的晶体管。types of the transistor-transistor logicare Standard transistor-transistor logic, Fast transistor-transistor logic, Schottky transistor-transistor logic,高功率晶体管 - 横向器逻辑,低功率晶体管 - 透射逻辑,Advanced Schottky transistor-transistor logic.

TTL逻辑门由双极连接晶体管组成,电阻。这re aremanyvariants of TTL developed for various particular purposes like the radiation-hardened TTL packages for space applications and Low power肖特基二极管这可以很好地结合速度和较小的功耗。


advantage of the CMOS over the TTL chipsis that the CMOS has a higher逻辑门的密度within the same material. TTL chipsconsume more poweras compared tothe power即使在休息时也被CMOS芯片食用。CMO的功耗取决于各种因素,并且是可变的。这clock rateis one of the major factors for power consumption. Higher clock values will result in higher powerconsumption。When making the comparisons, a single gate in CMOS chip would consume the 10nW of power whereas an equivalent gate on the TTL chip will consume approximately 10mW power. The difference is substantially high and this is why theCMOS芯片总是比TTL芯片更喜欢。

When the design and fabrication are considered, no doubt that the CMOS chips are very delicate and it is difficult to handle as these are highly容易受到静电排放。大量的静电可能会损坏CMOS芯片。因此,人们通常只通过触摸CMO的终端而不必要地损坏芯片。CMO和TTL之间的一些基本差异如下:

  1. CMOS组件通常是更昂贵when compared to the TTL components. But on system-level, CMOS chips are less expensive as these are smaller in size as compared to the TTL chips.
  2. 这re are传播延迟两者都存在。平均而言,TTL的传播延迟通常为10NS,而CMO的传播延迟位于20至50 ns之间
  3. CMOS haslonger rise and fall timesthus digital signals are simpler and less expensive with the CMOS chips.
  4. 这re is a substantial difference in the voltage level range for both. For TTL it is 4.75 V to 5.25 V while for CMOS it ranges between 0 to 1/3 VDD at a low level and 2/3VDD to VDD at high levels.
  5. CMOS技术是more economical与TTL逻辑相比,更喜欢更多。
  6. CMO的当前要求很低,因此功耗有限。因此,使用最佳电源管理设计电路更容易。
  7. 电磁破坏CMOS components are more sensitive as compared to the TTL components
  8. CMO比允许的TTL具有另一个优势lower noise在传输过程中
  9. 这number of standard loads that could be connected to the output of the gate under the normal operation that is the fan-out is 10 for TTL whereas it is 50 for the CMOS.
  10. 这number of standard inputs that can be connected to the gate is the fan in, which is approximately 12-14 for the TTL and for the CMOS it is 10 only.
  11. CMOS电路更好噪声免疫然后ttl电路
  12. 在TTL构造中使用的基本门是NAND门,而两个Nand-Nor大门都在CMOS电路中使用。


Comparing theTTL和CMOS逻辑家庭,CMO比TTL组件具有更大的优势。它比TTL消耗的功率少,而且更经济。CMOS的输出功率更高,并且尺寸也较小。具有较高的噪声免疫力,这些噪声水平较低,而单打传输则可以传输。同样,传播延迟较小,因此提供了更快的TTL电路信号传输。随着较大的风扇的数量,可以在CMOS电路的输出端子上连接载荷的数量。尽管这些都是微妙的,因此在处理它们时需要照顾和关注。

CMO和TTL之间的差异 - 结论

Tocompare TTL and CMOS,必须考虑上述要点。作为CMOS consists of the FET’sthe TTL circuits are made up of BJT, CMOS芯片更快,高效。与TTL相比,CMO中单个芯片中逻辑函数的密度更高。Also, the power consumption of the TTL circuits is higher when compared to the power consumption of CMOS。Though the CMOS has lesser power consumption,CMOS chips are more susceptible to the static electric discharge and thus can be damaged easily. CMOS chips could have the TTL logics and could be used for the replacement of the TTL IC

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